Business Opportunity Critic

Just another weblog

My first BizOp (business opportunity) to analyze

Remember Alladvantage? The ‘get paid to surf’ bizopp?
They’ve reconstituted themselves as agloco, short for: A Global Community.
They’ve revamped their business model.
Instead of paying money for the amount of hours you spend viewing their advertising viewbar, they pay you shares in the company.

Business Type: paid to surf. paid to be served advertisements.
Financial Risk factor: free, so a low risk
Time Investment Risk: moderate, have to run the toolbar, and promote the business to others.
Income Potential: indirect, shares first, then luckily,
in the future, converable into cash.
Location: – A Global Community

Please message me if you'd like me to cover a particular business or industry. Thanks!

Another post coming soon.

February 21, 2007 Posted by | business, income, money, scam, self-employed, wealth, web | 2 Comments